Du HR Talent Workshop

On†November 19th 2014, the HR Talent Management team of Du Telecommunications lead†by Mr. Souhail Haddaji, Vice President of Product Development Operations, shared their knowledge and experience by conducting a free career workshop for UD students. Career related topics such as the ones below were discussed with direct supervision and actual cases shared by the Du team: – Understanding behavior and competencies – Knowing oneís interests, ambitions, strengths and weaknesses – Structuring oneís personal traits and competencies in a CV format – Improving job search _DSC0686 _DSC0767

Competition for IT students

Hacker rank is a prominent coding platform hosted by many important companies such as google. They have many competitions that University students from all over

Interested in joining a Student Club?

Like every semester, we start looking for volunteers to be actively involved in our Clubs!!At the University of Dubai, you can represent your country through our