University of Dubai Signs MoU With IDcentre to Launch Training Course on Money and Document Security

Dubai, March 12, 2015: The Center for Executive Development at University of Dubai has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with IDcentre in the Netherlands, to offer a†comprehensive training that enables participants to gain expertise in secured documents†and tackle identity theft, identity abuse and money fraud. The new course, ID & Secured Printed Document fraud, will benefit personnel working in†sectors such as banking, immigration and police as well as any other sector that handles secure†documents or money. The MoU was signed by Dr. Easa M. Al Bastaki, President of University of†Dubai, and RenÈ van Eert, Managing Director at IDcentre. ìUniversity of Dubai is committed to developing and educating leaders who will make a†difference in the business world. The new course, launched by Center for Executive†Development in coordination with IDcentre, is not only relevant to current market†requirements but also holds the potential to deliver tangible results, contributing to secure†business transactions. Considering that each business has different needs and policies, this†course can be customized to meet the exact requirements of customers,î said Dr. Easa M.†Al Bastaki. ìUniversity of Dubai gives us, IDcentre, excellent added value in our scope; standardization ofinformation disclosure and generic competence development. Sharing knowledge is the best†way to reach common goals and give san opportunity to reflect mutual learning outcomes. We†hope to expand these first steps with University of Dubai to the future.î Mr. RenÈ van Eert. He†added that ìOur training goals and learning outcomes are simultaneously focused on†awareness and mind setting. This focus ensures intrinsic competence development and is†added value on top of disclosing information.î The Center for Executive Development at University of Dubai is focused on human capital†development in coordination with organizations in the UAE. The Center offers training and†development initiatives that are both contemporary and outcome oriented aligned with the†vision of UAE. Providing lifelong learning opportunities of international caliber to the UAE†workforce and job aspirants, the Center combines the best of local and international resources†to provide result-oriented solutions. IDcentre is focused on defining and programming competence development for organizations†combatting identity- and (ID) document abuse. IDcentre operates in close cooperation with†national and international authorities.DSC_6514 DSC_6522

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