Congratulations Class of 2015

IMG_3862 Congratulations to the Class of 2015 on all of your amazing achievements, and welcome to the UD†alumni association! We are a community of about two thousands undergraduate and graduate alumni living and working in and outside UAE. We celebrate your accomplishments, and look forward to being†by your side as you navigate the exciting opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. As you begin to plan the next steps in your careers and studies, please remember that we are here to†help in any way we canóthrough networking opportunities, career services, and benefits that are†exclusive to UD alumni. Please collect your Alumni ID card and stay connected. Start by updating your email address and contact†information. You will be receiving invitations to upcoming networking and social events and updates on†UD new offerings and programs.

Competition for IT students

Hacker rank is a prominent coding platform hosted by many important companies such as google. They have many competitions that University students from all over

Interested in joining a Student Club?

Like every semester, we start looking for volunteers to be actively involved in our Clubs!!At the University of Dubai, you can represent your country through our