Students from Hamburg School of Business Administration Visit UD

18 students and 1 faculty member from UDís partner institution Hamburg School of Business Administration (HSBA) visited the University of Dubai on Tuesday, October 6th to learn more about UD programs and faculties. HSBA students were particularly interested on the topic of ìDiversity and Dubaiís Strategy in Sustaining Growth and Development. 12079526_10153261265444372_4187215895053859518_n 12122860_10153261264664372_1889329602843078949_n

Competition for IT students

Hacker rank is a prominent coding platform hosted by many important companies such as google. They have many competitions that University students from all over

Interested in joining a Student Club?

Like every semester, we start looking for volunteers to be actively involved in our Clubs!!At the University of Dubai, you can represent your country through our